
About - Palm Kartika

Palm Kartika is strategically located in Cisarua, the heart of Puncak. We are near to many famous attractions in Puncak Bogor. It is less than 90 minutes of highway driving from Jakarta, around 14 km from Ciawi Toll exit.

Palm Kartika is designed with a back-to-the-nature concept of lush green slopes of Puncak. It is the preferred destination for a lot of family gatherings, school retreats, or company training or group meetings. We have spacious grass field suitable for large group outdoor activities.Lots of companies/groups have held their events at Palm Kartika Resort successfully.

With an extensive collection of villa to choose from, Palm Kartika offers you a unique opportunity to be close to the nature. You can sleep next to swimming pool, on the top of hill, or even inside a wooden house. The theme of the decoration is also an invitation for you to go back in time with us.

Although all of our rooms are equipped with standard amenities, such as spring beds, wardrobe, bathroom with shower, etc, we offer our guests an unforgetable and outstanding experience.

Pampered by the cool weather and panoramic view of mountain (Mount Pangrango and Gede), it provides comfortable stay for our guests. Our staffs are dedicated to provide the best service to our guests. This is the core value of Palm Kartika, customer satisfaction.

Palm Kartika is inviting everyone to visit us. We would like to be the preferred destination for your stay in Puncak.